Renaissance Memes

The next set of memes we will discuss is renaissance memes. These set of memes became popular because of their flexibility and creative methods of relating old art to current life. I will dive into some memes and analyze what we can derive from them.


The picture above displays a skeleton holding an hourglass. There is also a woman holding the body of a possible dead man. Additionally there is a flying angel above. The skeleton central focus in this meme as the text misinterprets the hourglass for a mobile device which he is using to take a selfie with.

The image can provide some reference to the culture that many of this generation currently live. This meme plays off the narcissism that can often occur with the rise of social media. Selfies are a defining social requirement in order to stay relevant on mediums such as Instagram or Snapchat. Of course, this meme is facetious; a reminder to not take ourselves so serious as well.


The picture above shows a man being pierced in the head with a dagger by another man. The humor lies in the facial reaction of the male getting murdered. The caption takes advantage of the victim’s smile as he is being stabbed. Taking a closer look at this meme, we could see some mental health issues that are important in our society.

Mental health has been at the forefront of medical issues this generation. It has been the problem in various incidents. Although it could be argued that this specifically references self esteem problems that are prevalent in youth, low self esteem can contribute to mental problems.

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The meme above displays a man of faith drinking from a barrel. It can be deduced that the barrel holds some alcohol and the monk is over indulging. The image really displays the temptations that affect even the men of faith.

In contrast, the meme caption displays the lack of opportunities for the youth in today’s society. In order to succeed in our current economy, young adults must take any advantage (in this case, free refills).

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